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These are low dead space (LDS) syringes. 

Traditional syringes will leave a certain amount of the product in the syringe after use. The use of these low dead space syringes will avoid this issue.

Grab these cutting edge low dead space syringes.


Unisharp 1ml 29G fixed (LDS) needle syringes are used for injecting water soluble drugs. The 29G needle is suitable for both injecting drugs into small veins, and also injecting hormone treatments, such as human growth hormone and peptides, under the skin (SUBQ).

The Unisharp 29G fixed needle syringes have our improved and customised syringe body design, introducing important new unique features to make self-injection easier.

The key features of the Unisharp syringe are:

Markings in ml (rather than insulin units);

These are low dead space (LDS) syringes.

Adding a 10mm plunger end disk (for improved control);

Removal of the collar around the plunger above the finger grips (for better access); and

Larger finger grips.

These are low dead space (LDS) syringes.

Product details



Needle Length (mm)


Needle Length (inch)

½ inch

Hub Colour



Fixed needle 1ml syringe




( 10 Pack) 1ml 29g 12mm fixed needle syringe.

  • A listing of our low dead space fixed needle syringes, and Total Dose low dead space detachable needles.

    In medical use, low dead space injecting equipment means all the drug in the syringe gets injected with no waste.

    In non-medical use, it means that the amount of blood left in the needle/syringe is much less, which in turn means that should the syringe be re-used, the risk of viral transmission is reduced (because less blood = lower viral burden).

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